Contact Us

Note: Our offices are on the second floor, but there is an elevator in addition to stairs for your convenience.

Our regular office hours are Monday through Thursday from 8 am to 5 pm, and Friday 8 am to noon.

After Hours

Our providers can be reached after hours by calling 407-678-6888 or leave a message anytime at 407-977-2705 and your call will be returned the next business day. For emergency attention, call 911.


Contact Us to Participate

If you qualify to participate in a clinical trial based upon one of your medical conditions, then the medical care and medication for that medical condition will be provided at no cost to you and you will receive financial compensation for your time & travel.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and we’ll contact you for further information to determine eligibility for current and future studies.

Please note that any information you provide below is stored securely and will not be shared with anyone outside of Oviedo Medical Research. We will use this information only to help us determine if you qualify for participation in one of our studies.

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